Management Policies of Protected Areas


SCHOOL School of Agricultural and Forest Sciences
DEPARTMENT Department of Forestry and Management of the Environment and Natural Resources
COURSE TITLE Management Policies for Protected Areas
in case the ECTS Credits are distributed in distinct parts of the course e.g. lectures, labs etc. If the ECTS Credits are awarded to a course as a whole, then please note down the teaching hours per week and the corresponding ECTS Credits.
lectures 2 2
labs 1
Add lines if necessary. The teaching organization and methods used are described in the point 4.    

Background, General Knowledge, Scientific Area, Skill Development

Scientific Area



English for ERASMUS students

Learning Outcomes
Please describe the learning outcomes of the course: Knowledge, skills and abilities acquired after the successful completion of the course.
The aim of the course is for students to understand and represent basic concepts related to the nature of protected areas and their operation. To gain a critical understanding of their administrative and organizational structure and the need for their effective management. In addition, to understand the relationships between stakeholders in relation to protection and sustainable development in protected areas, in order to form innovative ideas for decision-making processes.

Upon successful completion of the course students will be able to:

·        Understand and represent basic concepts related to the nature of protected areas and their operation.

·        To be familiar with basic categories of protected areas as well as basic concepts of the relevant legislation and their administrative and organizational structure.

·        To understand the relationships between stakeholders for the protection and sustainable development in protected areas and to be able to design environmental decision-making processes.

·        The students are also expected to acknowledge the importance of effective management of the protected areas  for society, the local economy and for the protection and conservation of these areas, and to be able to suggest ways to solve problems

General Skills
Taking into account the general skills that the graduate must have acquired (as they are listed in the Diploma Supplement and are listed below), which of them is intended (for the course)?
Search, analysis and synthesis of data and information, using the necessary technologies

Adaptation to new situations

Decision making

Autonomous work


Working in an international environment

Working in an interdisciplinary environment

Production of new research ideas

Project design and management

Equity and Inclusion

Respect for the natural environment


Demonstration of social, professional and moral responsibility and sensitivity to gender issues

Critical thinking

Promoting free, creative and inductive thinking


Search, analysis and synthesis of data and information, using the necessary technologies

Adaptation to new situations

Decision making

Autonomous work


Working in an interdisciplinary environment

Respect for diversity and multiculturalism

Respect for the natural environment

Implementation of  criticism and self-criticism

Promoting free, creative and inductive thinking


1.      Institutional and legislative framework of protected areas. Forests and forest areas, terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, habitat types

2.      Protected areas of national interest

3.      Protected areas of international interest

4.      Introduction to protected area management policies

5.      Sustainable development and protection policies in protected areas, impacts on the social, natural and economic environment, conflicting interests

6.      Environmental information, reporting and education, environmental interpretation

7.      Stakeholder interactions and effective management of protected areas, regional development

8.      Interaction with the local community

9.      Traffic parameters in protected areas

10.   The role of visitors. Monitoring and control methods

11.   Non-governmental Environmental Organizations

12.   Administration and management systems of protected areas, management bodies

13.   Stakeholders in the role of co-managers

Face to face, Distance learning, etc.
Face to face
Use of ICT in Teaching, in Laboratory Education, in Communication with students
Use of ICT in Teaching. All lectures are supported through PowerPoint presentations and several times video leveraging and internet usage.

Electronic communication via e-mail or e-CLASS with students.


The way and methods of teaching are described in detail.

Lectures, Seminars, Laboratory Exercise, Field Exercise, Bibliographic research & analysis, Tutoring, Internship (Placement), Clinical Exercise, Art Workshop, Interactive learning, Study visits, Study / creation, project, creation, project. Etc.


The student study hours for each learning activity are listed as well as the non-guided study hours so that the total workload at the semester level corresponds to the ECTS standards.

Activity Workload/semester
Lectures 39
Bibliographic research & analysis 2
Interactive learning 2
Independent study 3
Study visitis 1
Laboratory Exercise 3
Total 50
Student Evaluation

Description of the evaluation process


Assessment Language, Assessment Methods, Formative or Concluding, Multiple Choice Test, Short Answer Questions, Essay Development Questions, Problem Solving, Written Assignment, Essay / Report, Oral Exam, Public Presentation, Laboratory Report, Clinical examination of a patient, Artistic interpretation, Other/Others


Explicitly defined assessment criteria and if and where are accessible to students are mentioned.


Evaluation language is Greek. The following will be applied as evaluation methods:

• Written final exam with short answer questions.

• Individual Assignment (grade 0.2) and from the written final exam (grade 0.8).

• Students with identified dyslexia or other learning difficulties, instead of the written final exam, are examined orally. The organization of oral exams presupposes that the interested student had informed in time about the identified problem the Department Administration, and respectively the Department Administration should inform the professor.

• The topics are posted on the bulletin board of the professor after the end of the exams. Therefore students can calculate their grades themselves. The students’ grades are announced on the electronic platform of the Department.

• Students have the opportunity to see their writing sheet and access the evaluation method. In addition, they can see the corrector’s comments on his/her evaluation.

1.      Ταμπάκης, Σ., Τσαντόπουλος, Γ. και Ανδρεά, Β. (2014) Πολιτικές Διαχείρισης Προστατευόμενων Περιοχών, Έκδοση: Τμήμα Δασολογίας και Διαχείρισης Περιβάλλοντος και Φυσικών Πόρων, Δημοκρίτειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θράκης.

2.      Tampakis, S., Andrea, V., Karanikola, P. and Pailas, I. (2019). The Growth of Mountain Tourism in a Traditional Forest Area of Greece. Forests 2019, Vol. 10, Issue 11, No 1022.

3.      Manolache, S., Nita, A., Ciocanea, C.M., Popescu, V.D., Rozylowicz, L. (2018). Power, influence and structure in Natura 2000 governance networks. A comparative analysis of two protected areas in Romania. Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 212, pp. 54-64.

4.      Bello, F.G., Lovelock, B., Carr, N. (2018). Enhancing community participation in tourism planning associated with protected areas in developing countries: Lessons from Malawi. Tourism and Hospitality Research, Vol. 18, Issue 3, pp. 309-320.

5.      Niedziałkowski, K., Komar, E., Pietrzyk-Kaszyńska, A., Olszańska, A., Grodzińska-Jurczak, M. (2018). Discourses on Public Participation in Protected Areas Governance: Application of Q Methodology in Poland. Ecological Economics,Vol. 145, pp. 401-409.









Alternative ways of examining a course in emergency situations


Teacher (full name): Veronika Andrea
Contact details:
Supervisors: (1) According to the examination program that will be announced by the Secretariat of the Department
Evaluation methods: (2) Writing Exams via e-CLASS platform
Implementation Instructions: (3) The examination in the course is carried out in writing with a distance learning method, according to the examination program announced by the Secretariat of the Department.


Students should be connected to the DUTHNET e-CLASS e-learning platform in the “Exercises” field. Exam questions will be posted there in the form of closed-ended questions: True / False and Multiple Choice Answers.


The duration of the test is 8 minutes.


In order to ensure the integrity and reliability of the exam, a theme bank is created from where a random selection of questions is made for each examinee, in order to prevent the phenomenon of copying data. There will also be a time limit for answering the questions, so that it will not be possible to search for the answers in the suggested bibliography or in any other source.


Each student should answer 20 questions. Each of the questions is scored with 0.5.


A list will always be attached including only with their Student ID  (register number)  of the beneficiaries to participate in the examination, in a relevant announcement for the examination of the course.


  • To be completed with YES or NO
  • Note down the evaluation methods used by the teacher, e.g.
  • written assignment or/and exercises
  • written or oral examination with distance learning methods, provided that the integrity and reliability of the examination are ensured.
  • In the Implementation Instructions section, the teacher notes down clear instructions to the students:

α) in case of written assignment and / or exercises: the deadline (e.g. the last week of the semester), the means of submitting them to the teacher, the grading system, the participation of the assignment in the final grade and every other detail that should be mentioned.

β) in case of oral examination with distance learning methods: the instructions for conducting the examination (e.g. in groups of X people), the way of pronouncing topics, the applications to be used, the necessary technical means for the implementation of the examination (microphone, camera, word processor, internet connection, communication platform), the way the hyperlink is sent, the duration of the exam, the grading system, the participation of the exam in the final grade, the ways in which the inviolability and reliability of the exam is ensured and every other detail that should be mentioned.

γ) in case of written examination with distance learning methods: the instructions for assigning the topics, the way of submitting the answers, the duration of the exam, the grading system, the participation of the exam in the final grade, the ways in which the integrity and reliability of the exam is ensured and every other detail that should be mentioned.

There should be an attached list with the Student Registration Numbers only of the beneficiaries to participate in the examination.